== Gharib Personal Blog ==
A Techi Personal Blog

DNS and Certificate

dns, acme.sh, tls

Acquiring TLS Certificate and Key

If you want to run a website that supports HTTPS you should get tls certificate for it. I will not delve into the technical things behind the TLS and HTTPS protocol. Just Acquiring Free 3-months certificate.

  • Clone this repo acme.sh and cd to that directory.
  • Run acme.sh --issue --server letsencrypt -d 'qharib.ir' --dns --yes-I-know-dns-manual-mode-enough-go-ahead-please
  • Follow the instructions to add the respective TXT record
  • Run again with --renew except the --issue flag
  • It is ready under ~/.acme.sh directory

Running DOH, Plain DNS, and DOT

I use Adguard Home.

  • Run wget --no-verbose -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/master/scripts/install.sh | sh -s -- -v
  • It will download everything that is necessary
  • Just follow the instruction to access the panel on your localhost and modify its settings

Running dns-proxy

We use Adguard Dns-Proxy tool to proxify our dns queries through DOH.

  • Install it from this_link
  • Extract it and run it using the following command or adjust it based on the description of the Project
  • See the complete guide in the project directory, it is thorough and simple ;)
dnsproxy -l <public_ip_of_vps> -p 53 --https-port=443 --tls-crt=/path/crt.crt --tls-key=/path/key.pkcs8.pem -u https://dnsoverhttps.doh/dns-query  -b